24 June 2009

behind this smile.

i am the kind of person who always manage to put a smile on my face and pretend like nothing is bothering when something really does, ive been doing this since i was born, at least since i really know how to compare between all the rights and wrongs in life, but somehow, sometimes, people just dont get it, they dont know how it goes and tend to not realise when they're hurting someone. it will always be "naah, she'll get over it" well guess what? its not ok all the time, consider please. just once.

i am not talking about any particular someone around here, im just raising my opinion, through experience. it sucks so much when all you wanted to do was make that particular person or group of people feel good, or better. but in the end, all you get is SHIT. A seriously HUMONGOUS SHIT. oh well, thats life right? even how nice and how much good deed you pull off, you'll always get shit in return. i sometimes think that i should stop being nice to people, that i should stop treating so nice, since its all shit i will get at last.

but no, cause ill be just the same like THEM, people who never think before saying anything. and even if i decide to do the same thing, it wont be fair to people who gives the exact opposite of SHIT to me. ahhh, well, i cant change people, they themselves are the only people who are able to do that, i cant blame them for being so shitty. its their fate.

im going back to GG now,

this post has got nothing to do with anyone, either they're not in this world or still settling on. no offense. its a free country, i have rights to all my saying. BAHAAA!

1 Comment:

  1. Miss Lynn said...
    that why when doing something or anything NEVER EVER expect anything in return...

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