02 July 2009

continuation of Chapter 1.

where exactly did i meet him? it was just like any other Sundays, as usual, right after campus, i drive alone to this cafe, i adore the truffles here, so i will buy a hundred grams for BND 3.80 and get myself a can of Ice Apple tea to go with. I have my favourite spot here, next to the window, a single seating table. I spend usually 30 minutes or more sitting here with my novel on my left hand and eating the truffles simultaneously with my right hand. He passed by everyday, except for weekends, where i, myself dont spend time there. but he's just like any other strangers, he sometimes smiles, and sometimes just busy with his phone or something else to even notice me. This happened for 4 months or so

The day i got into a big fight with Adrian, a jerk that i had to call my ex-boyfriend, it was not a school day, and it was Saturday, i didnt usually go to my favourite cafe on weekends, but i just had to, since i needed to get my mind off him. And so, as usual, i ordered a hundred grams of truffle and glass of Ice Apple tea, i didnt have my novel that day, just my laptop. I guessed i would stay longer than usual, using the Wi-fi provided. As i was browsing through my facebook, he passed by, this stranger, but this time, he smiled brightly, walk back and slowly pushed the cafe door, he turned to me and approached me. Pulling out the chair and sat down.

"hi, im Benjamin" he smiled as he take out his hand out of his pocket and shaked mine.

And ill continue again next time (:
i have the mood to take pictures now, of me.
and i think it has something to do with swine :D



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